Fun Swimming Pool Games For Teens To Play This Summer

It’s summertime and the pool is open! Here are some fun swimming pool games for teens to play this summer. From Marco Polo to water basketball, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. So grab your swimsuit and a friend or two and head on over to the pool for some summer fun!

Racing Swimming Pool Games

There are a variety of different racing swimming pool games that teens can choose from, so there is sure to be a game that everyone will enjoy. Racing swimming pool games are perfect for those who love a little competition and are looking to have some fun in the sun. One popular type of pool game is racing. There are a ton of different swimming pool games that teens can play to have a blast this summer.

Rubber Duck Race

Then, have each player take turns trying to race their duck across the pool to the other end. The first player to get their duck to the other end of the pool wins the game. All you need is a rubber duck and a swimming pool. This is a great game to play with friends and family and is sure to get everyone laughing. The Rubber Duck Race is a classic swimming pool game that is perfect for teens to play this summer. To start the game, line up all the rubber ducks at one end of the pool.

Floatie Race

The first person to reach the other end of the pool wins the race. Floatie Race is a swimming pool game that can be played with two or more people. The object of the game is to race from one end of the pool to the other while holding on to a floatie.

This summer, have a blast with your friends by racing each other in floaties!
This summer, have a blast with your friends by racing each other in floaties!

This game is great for teens because it is a competitive way to have fun in the pool. The first person to reach the other end of the pool wins the race. This game can be played with two or more people, so it is perfect for large groups. The object of the game is to race from one end of the pool to the other while holding on to a floatie. Floatie Race is a great swimming pool game for teens to play this summer because it is a fun and competitive way to cool off in the pool.

Watermelon Race

This is a great game to play with friends and family and is sure to get everyone laughing and having a great time. The first team to reach the other end of the pool wins the game. Watermelon Race is a swimming pool game that is perfect for teens to play this summer. This game is played by two teams of two players each. The objective of the game is to race from one end of the pool to the other while holding a watermelon between your legs.

Pool Rope Pull

This game is played with two teams of swimmers, each team having one end of a rope. The team that crosses the pool first, wins the game. One of the most popular pool games for teens is pool rope pull. The object of the game is to pull the other team across the pool to your side.

You will also need two swimming noodles or pool noodles. The team that has the swimming noodle will need to hold on to the rope and use it to pull the other team across the pool. To play pool rope pull, you will need a rope that is long enough to reach across the width of the pool. Each team will need one swimming noodle.

One pool game that is sure to be a hit with your teen is pool rope pull.
One pool game that is sure to be a hit with your teen is pool rope pull.

The team that is being pulled across the pool will need to hold on to the rope and use it to help them swim across the pool. The team that is being pulled across the pool will need to be careful not to let go of the rope or they will be disqualified. They will need to use their hands and feet to help them move across the pool.

If both teams reach the other side at the same time, then the team that has the swimming noodle will be the winner. The team that crosses the pool first, wins the game.

It is a great way to cool off and have some fun. Pool rope pull is a great game for teens to play this summer.

Beach Ball Squirt Race

The first team to reach the other end of the pool wins the game. One player from each team is given a beach ball and the other player has a water squirt gun. This game is played by two teams of two players each. The objective of the game is to race from one end of the pool to the other while squirting the beach ball with water. Beach ball squirt race is a swimming pool game that is perfect for teens to play this summer.

Crossing The River

The river guide then calls out a color, and the swimmers have to swim to the other side of the pool and back while touching the lane line of that color. Crossing The River is a swimming pool game that is perfect for teens to play this summer. The game can be played with any number of players, but it is best played with at least four players. To start the game, one player is chosen to be the river guide and the other players are the swimmers. The first swimmer to touch the lane line of the called out color and return to the starting side is the winner. If the river guide calls out a color that does not have a lane line, then the swimmers have to swim to the other side of the pool and back without touching any lane lines. The river guide stands at one end of the pool and the swimmers line up at the other end. The river is represented by the pool, and the current is represented by the swimming lane lines. The objective of the game is to cross the river without being caught by the current. The first swimmer to return to the starting side is the winner.

Tagging Swimming Pool Games

Swimming pool games are a great way to cool off and have some fun in the sun. There are many different games that can be played in the pool, but some of the most popular ones involve tagging. Here are a few of the most popular swimming pool games that involve tagging:

Freeze Tag

Once someone is tagged, they have to freeze in place. The game is over when everyone has been tagged or the person who is “it” gets tired. The person who is “it” tries to tag as many people as possible. Freeze Tag is a swimming pool game that can be played with a group of friends. To play, one person is chosen to be “it” and the rest of the group tries to swim away from them.

Marco Polo

Marco Polo is a great swimming pool game for teens to play this summer! This is a great game to play with a group of friends and is sure to get everyone laughing and having a great time. The other players must stay underwater as much as possible to avoid being tagged. It’s a fun game of tag that can be played in the pool or even in the shallow end of the pool. If a player is tagged, they become “it” and the game starts over. To play, one person is “it” and tries to tag the other players.


This is a great game to play with a group of friends and is sure to get everyone laughing and having a great time. The octopus tries to tag the fish, and the fish try to avoid being tagged. The fish can swim anywhere in the pool, but the octopus can only swim around the edge. There are a ton of great swimming pool games for teens to play this summer, but one of our favorites is Octopus. If a fish is tagged, they become an octopus and the game continues until there is only one fish left. In this game, one player is the octopus and the other players are the fish.

Dolphin or Submarine

To start, one person is chosen to be the dolphin and the rest are submarines. Dolphin or Submarine is a great swimming pool game for teens to play this summer! The dolphin then swims under the water and tries to tag the submarines. The dolphin starts in the middle of the pool and the submarines start at the edge of the pool. If a submarine is tagged, they become a dolphin and the game continues. The last submarine left in the pool is the winner! The object of the game is to tag as many people as possible while swimming under the water.

Sharks and Pirates

There are few things more fun than playing games in the swimming pool with friends on a hot summer day. This game is a great way to cool off and have some fun with friends. The object of the game is to tag as many people as possible without getting tagged yourself. The last pirate left is the winner. To start, one person is chosen to be the shark and the rest are pirates. If a pirate is tagged, they become a shark and help try to tag the other pirates. Sharks and pirates is a great game for teens to play in the pool. The shark tries to tag the pirates and the pirates try to avoid being tagged.

Finding / Collecting Games

Below is a list of some fun swimming pool games for teens to play this summer, divided into categories based on equipment needed. Some of these games require little to no equipment, while others may require a few pool toys. There are many fun swimming pool games for teens to play this summer.

Numbers Crunch

Looking for some fun swimming pool games for your teen to play this summer? Why not try a game of “Numbers Crunch”!

To play, simply start by tossing a floaty number 1 into the pool. The goal is to see how high of a number they can get to before time runs out! This game is all about collecting as many numbers as possible – and it’s great for getting everyone in the pool moving. Then, have your teen swim around and collect as many other numbers as possible.

Swimming is a great way to stay cool in the summer heat, and these pool games are the perfect way to have some fun in the sun with your friends.
Swimming is a great way to stay cool in the summer heat, and these pool games are the perfect way to have some fun in the sun with your friends.

So next time you’re looking for a fun pool game for your teen, give “Numbers Crunch” a try! This game is perfect for larger groups, and is sure to get everyone laughing and having a great time.

Balloon Collection

It’s easy to set up and can be played with any number of players. Why not try a balloon collection game? Looking for some fun swimming pool games for your teen this summer?

If you're looking for some fun swimming pool games for your teen to play this summer, why not try a balloon collection?
If you’re looking for some fun swimming pool games for your teen to play this summer, why not try a balloon collection?

To play, simply blow up a bunch of balloons and scatter them around the pool area. The player with the most balloons at the end of the game wins! The object of the game is to collect as many balloons as possible in a set amount of time.

This is a great game for getting teens up and moving around the pool. It’s also a lot of fun to see how many balloons each player can collect. If you’re looking for a fun and active game for your teen this summer, give balloon collection a try!

Floating Apples Pool Game

Floating Apples is a great option! The player with the most apples at the end of the game wins! The object of the game is to collect as many apples as possible from the pool using only your teeth. To start, float a few apples in the pool and have each player try to collect them. Looking for a fun and easy pool game to play with your friends this summer?

This pool game is perfect for teens who want to have some fun in the sun this summer.
This pool game is perfect for teens who want to have some fun in the sun this summer.

So, next time you’re looking for a fun pool game to play, give Floating Apples a try! This game is perfect for a group of friends who want to have a little friendly competition while enjoying the summer sun. It’s also a great way to get everyone moving and enjoying the pool.

Matching Items Pool Game

The player can either keep the item or trade it with another player. To play, each player will need a pool float and a net. Matching Items Pool Game is a great game for teens to play this summer. The object of the game is to collect as many matching items as possible. The game is over when all of the items have been collected. The player with the most matching items at the end is the winner. The game can be played with any number of players and is great for both boys and girls. The first player will start by floating in the pool and collecting items from the bottom.

Raft Float Ball Pit

Looking for a fun and unique game to play in the swimming pool this summer? Why not try a raft float ball pit! This game is perfect for a group of friends or even a family, and it’s sure to provide hours of fun and laughter.

The person with the most balls at the end of the game is the winner! To play, you’ll need a raft, a ball pit, and a bunch of small balls. The object of the game is to float in the raft and try to collect as many balls as possible.

This is a great activity for teens to do to stay cool in the summer heat.
This is a great activity for teens to do to stay cool in the summer heat.

Get a group together and give raft float ball pit a try! It’s also a great way to get some exercise, as you’ll be swimming and moving around a lot. This is a great game for those hot summer days when you just want to cool off and have some fun. So, what are you waiting for?

Underwater Swimming Pool Games

Swimming is a great way to stay cool in the summer heat, and what better way to enjoy a pool than by playing some fun games? Here are some great swimming pool games for teens to play this summer:

Invisible Bottle Hunt

The object of the game is to find and retrieve an invisible bottle that is submerged in the pool. To start the game, one player will need to hide the invisible bottle somewhere in the pool. Invisible Bottle Hunt is a great swimming pool game for teens to play this summer! The player who is able to find and retrieve the invisible bottle first is the winner! Once the bottle is hidden, all players will need to dive into the pool and start searching for it.

One of the most popular pool games among teenagers is the Invisible Bottle Hunt.
One of the most popular pool games among teenagers is the Invisible Bottle Hunt.

If you are looking for a fun and challenging swimming pool game for your teen this summer, be sure to give Invisible Bottle Hunt a try! This game is a great way to get teens to practice their underwater swimming skills and have a lot of fun at the same time. It is also a great way to get them to interact and socialize with other teens who are playing the game.

Coin Hunt

Coin Hunt is a great swimming pool game for teens to play this summer! First, have each player take a coin and swim to the bottom of the pool. The player who finds the coin the quickest wins! To play, you’ll need a few coins and a stopwatch. The goal is to see how long it takes each player to find the coin.

One fun swimming pool game for teens to play this summer is coin hunt.
One fun swimming pool game for teens to play this summer is coin hunt.

This will make it much harder to find the coin, and the first player to find it wins! If you’re looking for a swimming pool game that’s a little more challenging, try playing Coin Hunt with a blindfold.

Treasure Hunt

Treasure hunt is a classic swimming pool game that can be played with a group of friends. To play, you will need a large container to hold all of the treasure, and a smaller container to hold the treasure map. The map can be drawn on a piece of paper, or you can use a pre-made treasure map.

A treasure hunt is a great swimming pool game for teens to play this summer.
A treasure hunt is a great swimming pool game for teens to play this summer.

The other players will then have to find the treasure by following the map. To start the game, one player will hide the treasure in the large container, and then hide the container somewhere in the pool. The player who is hiding the treasure will then give the map to the other players.

The first player to find the treasure wins the game!

Swimming Through Hoops

This game is played by two teams of two players each, with one player from each team swimming through a hoop while the other players try to block them. The first team to get both of their players through the hoops wins the game! Swimming through hoops is a great underwater swimming pool game for teens to play this summer!


To play, one player is the submarine and the other players are the sharks. If the submarine player makes it to the other side of the pool, they win the game! Submarine is a great underwater swimming pool game for teens to play this summer! The submarine player tries to swim from one end of the pool to the other without getting caught by the sharks. The sharks can tag the submarine player as many times as they want, but the submarine player can only be tagged once.

Diving Ring Toss

The first person to retrieve the ring and return to the starting point wins the game! The object of the game is to toss a ring onto a diving board or platform and then swim to the other side of the pool to retrieve it. Diving Ring Toss is a great underwater swimming pool game for teens to play this summer!

Glow In The Dark Pick Up Pool Sticks

This game is perfect for playing at night or in low light conditions, and is sure to provide hours of fun and laughter. Try glow in the dark pick up pool sticks! Looking for a fun and unique pool game to play this summer?

These glow in the dark pick up pool sticks are a great way to have some fun in the pool this summer.
These glow in the dark pick up pool sticks are a great way to have some fun in the pool this summer.

To play, simply place the pool sticks in the pool and turn off the lights. The sticks will glow in the dark, making them easy to see and pick up. Players must then swim around the pool and try to collect as many sticks as possible. The player with the most sticks at the end of the game is the winner!

This game is perfect for larger groups of teens, and is sure to be a hit at your next pool party. So gather your friends, turn off the lights, and get ready for some glow in the dark fun!

Throwing Swimming Pool Games

Swimming pool games are a great way to have fun and stay cool this summer. Here are some great games to play with your friends at the pool.

Frisbee Golf With Sponges

The object of the game is to throw the Frisbee into the swimming pool and then hit the sponge ball into the Frisbee. The person who hits the sponge ball into the Frisbee the most times in a row wins the game. All you need is a Frisbee and a few sponge balls. Frisbee golf is a great game to play in the swimming pool with friends.

Frisbee golf with sponges is a fun and easy game to play in the pool with friends this summer.
Frisbee golf with sponges is a fun and easy game to play in the pool with friends this summer.

It is also a great way to improve your Frisbee throwing skills. This is a great game to play if you are looking for something to do in the swimming pool that is not too competitive.

Pool Volleyball Game

To play, you will need a volleyball net, which can be easily set up in the pool. Each team will need to have at least three players. Volleyball is a classic pool game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great way to stay active and have fun in the water. If you don’t have a net, you can use a rope or other object to divide the pool into two halves.

If they catch it, they get a point. The team that throws the ball over the net must then try to catch it before it hits the ground. If the other team catches it, they get a point. The object of the game is to score points by getting the volleyball into the other team’s half of the pool. To do this, players on each team take turns throwing the ball over the net. If the ball hits the ground, no points are scored.

At that point, the team with the most points wins the game. The game is played until one team reaches 21 points.

Pool volleyball is a great way to stay active and have fun in the summer heat.
Pool volleyball is a great way to stay active and have fun in the summer heat.

It is a great game for people of all ages. Volleyball is a great way to stay active and have fun in the water.

Swimming Pool Basketball

Swimming pool basketball is one of the most popular swimming pool games for teens. There are many different ways to play swimming pool basketball, so there is something for everyone. It is a great way to stay active and have fun in the pool.

Swimming pool basketball is a great game to play with friends during the summer.
Swimming pool basketball is a great game to play with friends during the summer.

Each team tries to score by shooting the ball into the other team’s basket. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. One popular way to play swimming pool basketball is to have two teams of two players each.

Another popular way to play swimming pool basketball is to have one team of three players. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

There are many different ways to play, so there is something for everyone. Get your friends together and start playing today! Swimming pool basketball is a great way to stay active and have fun in the pool.

Swimming Pool Ring Toss

The object of the game is to toss a ring onto a swimming pool float, with the goal being to get as many rings on the float as possible. Swimming pool ring toss is a classic game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. This game can be played with any number of players, and is a great way to add some competition to your pool time.

One of the most popular swimming pool games for teens is ring toss.
One of the most popular swimming pool games for teens is ring toss.

To play, you will need a swimming pool float, and a set of rings. You can purchase a ring toss set at most stores that sell pool toys, or you can make your own set by cutting rings out of pool noodles. Once you have your float and rings, inflate the float and place it in the pool.

The game can be played until a specific score is reached, or until one player has successfully tossed all of their rings onto the float. Players will take turns throwing their rings at the float, and the player who gets the most rings on the float is the winner. If you are playing with multiple players, you can keep score by awarding a point for each ring that is successfully tossed onto the float.

It is also a great way to practice your aim, as you will need to be precise in order to get your rings onto the float. This is a great game to play when you are looking for a little bit of friendly competition. So, whether you are looking for a fun game to play with your friends or family, or you are just looking to improve your aim, swimming pool ring toss is the perfect game for you.

Water Cornhole Toss

Water cornhole is a classic summer pool game that is perfect for teens. All you need is a swimming pool, a cornhole set, and some water-safe bean bags.

If a bag goes through the hole, the player gets 3 points. Then, have players take turns throwing the bean bags at the boards, trying to get them through the hole in the center. The first player to 21 points wins the game! To play, set up the cornhole boards at either end of the pool. If a bag lands on the board, the player gets 1 point.

Water Cornhole Toss is a fun and easy game to play in the pool with friends.
Water Cornhole Toss is a fun and easy game to play in the pool with friends.

Water cornhole is a great way to cool off and have some fun in the pool this summer. So gather up your friends, grab a cornhole set, and get ready to have a blast!

Swimming Pool Battle Games

Swimming pool battle games are the perfect way to get your teens off their screens and into the pool this summer! From water balloon fights to Marco Polo, these games will have them laughing, cheering, and cooling off in no time.

Pool Float Watergun Fight

What’s more fun than a pool float water gun fight? Gather up all the pool floats you can find and have a blast!

All you need is a bunch of pool floats and some water guns. You can even use squirt guns if you don’t have any water guns. This is the perfect game for a hot summer day.

Whoever can stay on their float the longest wins. Set up the floats in the pool and then let the battle begin!

One of the most popular pool games for teenagers is the pool float watergun fight.
One of the most popular pool games for teenagers is the pool float watergun fight.

Make sure to keep your eye on the prize and don’t let anyone take you down!

Pool Joust

Looking for a fun and competitive swimming pool game to play with your friends this summer? The object of the game is to knock your opponent off of their floatation device using a long pole. Pool jousting is a great option! The game can be played with 2 or more people, and is sure to provide hours of fun!

Shoulder Wars

When the weather gets hot, there’s nothing better than cooling off in the pool. But swimming can get a little boring after a while. That’s why we’ve put together a list of fun swimming pool games for teens to play this summer.

off of their shoulders. You can use your hands, feet, or head, but no other body parts. The objective is to knock your opponent’s floatation device ( raft, noodle, etc.) The first person to lose their floatation device loses the game. One of our favorites is “Shoulder Wars”. This is a great game for two or more people.

Swimming pool games are a great way to keep teens entertained and active during the summer months.
Swimming pool games are a great way to keep teens entertained and active during the summer months.

This is a great game to play in the pool with your friends. It’s sure to get you laughing and help you cool off at the same time.

Swimming Pool Party Games

Here are a few games that your teen will love to play at their next pool party: Teens love to have fun and what better way to do that then by playing some fun swimming pool games!

Marco Polo: This classic game is always a hit with teens. The first player to be tagged becomes “it” for the next round. “It” then tries to find and tag the other players. One player is chosen to be “it” and the rest of the players spread out around the pool. The player who is “it” closes their eyes and counts to 20 while the other players swim around the pool.

Swimming pool party games are a great way to keep your teen guests entertained and cool this summer.
Swimming pool party games are a great way to keep your teen guests entertained and cool this summer.

If a minnow is caught, they become a shark for the next round. When the game starts, the minnows try to swim to the other side of the pool while the sharks try to catch them. The game is over when all of the minnows have been caught or all of them have made it to the other side. Sharks and Minnows: This is a fun game that can be played with a large group of teens. To start, half of the teens are chosen to be sharks and the rest are minnows. The object of the game is to swim from one end of the pool to the other without getting caught by the “sharks”. The sharks line up at one end of the pool and the minnows line up at the other end.

The last team standing is the winner. Each team is given a water balloon and they stand across from each other. If the balloon breaks, the team is out. The object of the game is to toss the balloon back and forth to each other and catch it without it breaking. Water Balloon Toss: This is a fun game that can be played in teams of two.

These are just a few of the many fun swimming pool games that your teen can play this summer. So, get out there and have some fun in the sun!

Pool Pinata

A pool pinata is a great way to liven up any swimming pool party! This classic party game can be played with a group of friends or family, and is sure to get everyone laughing and having a good time.

A pool pinata is a great way to keep your teens entertained this summer.
A pool pinata is a great way to keep your teens entertained this summer.

Players take turns hitting the pinata with a pool noodle or other soft object, until it finally breaks open and the goodies spill out. To play, all you need is a pool, a pinata, and some water-safe candy or toys. Fill the pinata with goodies, then hang it from a tree or other sturdy object near the pool.

This is a great game for all ages, and is sure to be a hit at your next pool party!


To play, one person starts in the middle of the pool and swims around in a circle. The rest of the players line up behind them and follow them around the pool. The person in the middle then swims back to the middle of the pool and the game starts over again! When the person in the middle gets to the edge of the pool, they dive under and swim to the other side. The rest of the players follow them and line up on the other side. Whirlpool is a great swimming pool party game for teens to play this summer!

Frozen T-Shirt Contest

A frozen t-shirt contest is a great way to add some excitement to a swimming pool party. The first person to successfully put on the frozen t-shirt wins! To play, all you need is a few t-shirts and a freezer. Simply put the t-shirts in the freezer overnight (or for at least a few hours), and then take them out and see who can put them on the fastest.

A frozen t-shirt contest is a great way to cool off on a hot summer day.
A frozen t-shirt contest is a great way to cool off on a hot summer day.

This is a great game for a group of friends or for a larger party. It’s sure to get everyone laughing and having a good time.

Jumping Jellyfish

The object of the game is to jump up and touch the bottom of the pool with your belly. Jumping Jellyfish is a fun swimming pool game for teens to play this summer. The first person to do this wins the game.

The game is best played with 4-6 people. To play, you will need a swimming pool, a beach ball, and a group of friends.

Jumping jellyfish is a great swimming pool game for teens to play this summer.
Jumping jellyfish is a great swimming pool game for teens to play this summer.

The jellyfish will hold the beach ball and stand in the middle of the pool. To start, one person will start as the jellyfish. The other players will line up at one end of the pool.

The jellyfish will try to hit the other players with the beach ball. The last player standing is the winner. If a player is hit by the ball, they are out of the game. When the jellyfish says go, the other players will start swimming towards the jellyfish.

So, next time you are looking for a fun game to play at your pool party, give Jumping Jellyfish a try! This game is sure to get everyone laughing and having a great time.

Cannonball Splash

Cannonball Splash is a great swimming pool party game for teens! Here’s how you play: It’s a simple game that can be played with a group of friends, and it’s sure to get everyone laughing and having a great time.

1. Choose one person to be the “cannonballer”. This person will stand at the edge of the pool.

One of the most popular swimming pool games for teens is cannonball splash.
One of the most popular swimming pool games for teens is cannonball splash.

2. The other players will stand at the other end of the pool, about 10 feet away from the cannonballer.

3. The cannonballer will count to three, and then jump into the pool, making a big splash.

4. The other players must try to dodge the splash! If anyone gets wet, they’re out of the game.

5. The last person standing is the winner.

This game is sure to be a hit at your next pool party! So gather up your friends and give it a try.

Musical Inflatables

But pool parties aren’t just for kids—teens can have a blast, too! What better way to cool off this summer than with a pool party? Here are some fun swimming pool games for teens to play at their next pool party:

Musical Inflatables: This game is similar to musical chairs, but instead of chairs, there are inflatable pool toys. When the music stops, they have to grab an inflatable and get on top of it. Set up the inflatables in a circle in the pool and have teens swim around them as music plays. The last person without an inflatable is out.

The last team standing wins! If the balloon breaks, that team is out. Divide teens into teams of two and have them stand across from each other, about 10 feet apart. Water Balloon Toss: This classic game is always a hit, especially on a hot day. At the signal, they will toss the balloon to their partner. Give each team a water balloon.

Musical inflatables are a great way to add excitement to any pool party.
Musical inflatables are a great way to add excitement to any pool party.

When someone is found, they become “it”. The other players must respond with “Polo” and the person who is “it” tries to find them. Marco Polo: This is a classic pool game that can be played with any number of people. The other players swim around the pool and the person who is “it” calls out “Marco”. One person is “it” and closes their eyes.

The sharks line up on one side of the pool and the minnows line up on the other side. Sharks and Minnows: This is a fun game that can be played with a large group of people. The last minnow standing is the winner. At the signal, the minnows have to swim to the other side of the pool without getting caught by the sharks. Divide the group into two teams, “sharks” and “minnows”. If a minnow is caught by a shark, they become a shark.

Let us know in the comments! What are your favorite pool party games?

What Are They Saying Pool Game

If they guess correctly, they get a point. The first person to 10 points wins the game. What Are They Saying Pool Game is a great game for teens to play at a swimming pool party. The object of the game is to try to guess what the other person is saying. The other person then has to guess what was said. To play, each person takes turns saying something.

Handstand Pool Contest

Looking for a fun and challenging game to play at your next pool party? This game is sure to get everyone laughing and cheering each other on. Why not try a handstand pool contest!

To play, all you need is a pool and a group of willing participants. The goal is to stay in the handstand position for as long as possible. To start, everyone should line up at one end of the pool. When the signal is given, everyone must attempt to do a handstand in the pool.

This summer, have some fun in the sun with a handstand pool contest!
This summer, have some fun in the sun with a handstand pool contest!

This game is sure to be a hit with all your friends. So, next time you’re planning a pool party, be sure to add this game to your list of activities. Whoever can stay in the handstand the longest is the winner!

Shaving Cream Shoot-Off

Line the teens up at one end of the pool, and give each one a can of shaving cream. On the other end of the pool, set up a line of pool noodles. Shaving Cream Shoot-Off is a great swimming pool party game for teens! All you need is a few cans of shaving cream and some pool noodles. The object of the game is to see who can shoot their shaving cream the farthest and hit one of the pool noodles. The winner gets to keep their pool noodle!

Underwater Charades

It’s a great way to get everyone in on the fun, and it’s a great way to beat the heat! Looking for some fun swimming pool games for teens to play this summer? Why not try underwater charades!

One team goes first and acts out a charade, while the other team tries to guess what the charade is. The team that guesses correctly gets a point, and then it’s the other team’s turn to act out a charade. To play, divide your group into two teams.

You can make the game as easy or as difficult as you want, depending on the age and skill level of your group. For example, you could give each team a list of charades to act out, or you could make up your own charades on the spot.

If you want to make the game even more challenging, try doing it with only a limited amount of time, or without using any words at all!

This swimming pool game is a great way to get your teens to interact and have fun this summer.
This swimming pool game is a great way to get your teens to interact and have fun this summer.

So gather your friends, divide into teams, and get ready to have a blast! Underwater charades is a great way to have some fun and cool off this summer.

Poolside Games

There are a ton of poolside games that are perfect for teens to play this summer! Check out our list of the best poolside games for teens below. Whether you’re looking for something active or something to help you relax, we’ve got you covered.

Pass The Water

The object of the game is to pass a container of water around the circle of players without spilling any. The player who spills the water is out of the game. Pass The Water is a poolside game that is perfect for teens to play this summer. The last player remaining is the winner.

Swimming pool games are a great way to have fun and stay cool this summer.
Swimming pool games are a great way to have fun and stay cool this summer.

It is sure to get everyone laughing and having a good time. This is a great game to play with a group of friends.

Pool Tug Of War

All you need is a pool noodle or two and a sense of competition! The first player to succeed in pulling the other player completely across the pool wins the game! The players then take turns trying to pull the other player towards their side of the pool. Tug of war is a classic pool game that can be played with any number of people. To start, each player grabs hold of an end of a pool noodle.

Fill The Bucket

Fill The Bucket is a poolside game that is perfect for teens to play this summer. The object of the game is to fill a bucket with water from the pool and then pour it over the head of the person in the middle of the circle. The person who fills the bucket the fastest wins the game.

A game that is popular among teenagers is called
A game that is popular among teenagers is called “Fill the Bucket.”

It is also a great way to cool off on a hot summer day. This is a great game to play with a group of friends and is sure to get everyone laughing.

Water Balloon Toss

All you need is a few water balloons and a place to stand. This game is easy to set up and can be played with a group of friends. Water Balloon Toss is a poolside game that is perfect for teens to play this summer.

Water balloon toss is a classic summer pool game that is perfect for cooling off on a hot day.
Water balloon toss is a classic summer pool game that is perfect for cooling off on a hot day.

The first player will start by throwing their balloon to the player next to them. To start the game, each player should take a water balloon and stand in a line. The next player will then throw the balloon to the player next to them and so on.

The last player standing is the winner! If the balloon pops, then the player who threw it is out of the game.

So, grab some water balloons and give it a try! It’s a simple game that is sure to provide hours of fun. Water Balloon Toss is a great game to play at pool parties or just when hanging out with friends.

Safety Note

Swimming is a great way to stay cool and have fun. There are a few safety tips to keep in mind when swimming. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors and the pool. However, it is important to be safe when swimming.

He or she is there to keep you safe. There is safety in numbers. Fourth, listen to the lifeguard. Third, be aware of your surroundings. Second, never swim alone. Know where the deep end is and where the shallow end is. First, always swim with a buddy.

Before playing any of these games, review basic pool safety with your teen.
Before playing any of these games, review basic pool safety with your teen.

following these safety tips will help you have a fun and safe summer.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some fun swimming pool games for teens to play this summer?

2. What are the benefits of playing pool games?

3. How can playing pool games help improve my swimming skills?

4. What are some of the most popular pool games for teens?

5. What are the rules for playing pool games?

1. What are some fun swimming pool games for teens to play this summer?

Some fun swimming pool games for teens to play this summer include Marco Polo, water basketball, water volleyball, and pool tag.

2. What are the benefits of playing pool games?

Playing pool games can help improve your swimming skills, stamina, and coordination. They can also be a great way to have fun and stay cool in the summer heat.

3. How can playing pool games help improve my swimming skills?

Playing pool games can help improve your swimming skills by giving you the opportunity to practice your strokes and turns in a fun and competitive environment.

4. What are some of the most popular pool games for teens?

Some of the most popular pool games for teens include Marco Polo, water basketball, water volleyball, and pool tag.

5. What are the rules for playing pool games?

The rules for pool games vary depending on the game you are playing. However, generally speaking, pool games are played in a team or individual format and the objective is to score points by sinking the ball into the other team’s goal.

Final thoughts

Swimming pool games are a great way for teenagers to stay active and have fun this summer. There are many different games that can be played, so there is something for everyone. Swimming pool games are a great way to beat the heat and have some fun.